[Steppes] Bryn Gwlader moving temporarily to Steppes / Elfsea area - looking for temporary lodging.

Wilkerson, Glen D glen.d.wilkerson at lmco.com
Mon Aug 18 08:31:08 PDT 2008

Forwarded message.  My house is not currently suitable for human
habitation, which does not bother me over much but tends to make guests




Hello, Don Alaric!


I am Gia (Marie Giroux), Dona Gwenneth's cadet.  I'm writing to you
because my husband, Jim, will be moving temporarily to Irving for a
short-term job-thing that begins this Thursday.  He will be coming to 

fighter practices up there during his stay, and doesn't know many


Also, he is looking for an inexpensive place to stay in the area for
three to six months.  I've been asking around, hoping that someone knows
someone with a spare room they'd be willing to rent out.  Gwenneth
mentioned to me that you are being laid off (sorry to hear it) and we
thought you may be interested in the Fabulous Money Making Opportunity
of having my husband live in your house and pay you for it. :-)


If you can help us, of if you think you know of someone who can, please
let us know.  You can contact me via email at ghiasword at austin.rr.com or
via phone at 512-519-9564 (house) or 512-695-0829 (Jim's cell).





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