[Steppes] A Heartfelt Thank You

April Page alpage1225 at sbcglobal.net
Thu Aug 21 12:40:56 PDT 2008

To those of you who provided baked goods, those who purchased them and those who just contributed to the pot, we offer our most humble and heartfelt gratitude.  Your generous support to help defray some of our travel costs was overwhelming.  But how could we expect any less from the people we consider family and friends?
During this transition period to the new Crown Tournament/Coronation schedule, there are still items to be addressed.  Having Heirs in place for up to four months is a new concept to Ansteorra, and changes to certain policies and protol will need to be considered and enacted.  Upon assuming our roles as Heirs, we were immediately faced with large expenditures relating to our required presence at Pennsic -- expenditures that are currently not covered by the Travel Expense Policy.  Top that with our upcoming presence at another out of Kingdom event and a slightly ambitious travel schedule both as Heirs and then as Crown, and you get an idea of what our personal budget is going to be for the next ten months.  We are hopeful that future Heirs will not have quite as hard a hit on their finances.
We offer also a special thanks to HL Emma Haldan, who immediately jumped on a mere observation during a conversation and spearheaded this fundraiser.  You are an amazing lady.
Feeling very loved,
Gunthar & Elizabeth
Prince and Princess

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