[Steppes] Opinions/Discussions Wanted On Subject of Moving BusinessMeeting To A New Day

Sir Morgan Buchanan morganbuchanan at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 6 06:18:26 PDT 2008

I think that a re-evaluation of how things are done is good to do 
periodically, even if things aren't changed.  Heck, sometimes especially if 
things aren't changing, so we can verify that we're doing things for the 
right reasons, not "just because" or even worse, "Becuase that's how we've 
done it."

First, let me state that no matter what we do, SOMEONE won't be able to 
attend because of SOMETHING.  We know this, and frankly, we need to accept 
it.  What we need to do is come to a concensus on what is best for the group 
as a whole, and specifically, for the running of the Barony.  A meeting that 
can be attended by the entire populace but none of the current officers and 
Baroness isn't a very good business meeting.

So, first let me say that it's laudable to look at a local activity like the 
Tuesday practice and rejoice in the fact that it's really come around and is 
a vibrant and well attended activity and look at ways to further engage 
those individuals in the Barony.  And if we have 2 officers (Rapier and 
Knight Marshals) who are unable to attend Business Meeting due to this 
activity, and other officers or our Baroness who might fight, populace who 
fights who wants to attend Biz...  Well, that looks like time to reevaluate 
the situation to me.

And guess what?  We might move it and 2 years from now have to move it 
again.  Change is change...not "bad" or "good"...just change.

As to WHEN to change it to, I don't have a suggestion.  I think Friday and 
Saturday are generally bad days because our primary activity in the SCA 
should be events, right?  But what I'd suggest is another week night that 
does not have other local SCA conflicts.  I don't care if Wednesday is a big 
bowling league night or if Thursday has a lot of soccer matches.  But we do 
know that every Tuesday a lot of our populace is attending a practice, 
including officers who's attendance is required, so they're absense from 
Business Meeting is compelled.  That seems like a bad conflict that should 
be rectified.

So my suggestion would be to change it to Wednesday or Thursday night and 
give it a try.  SOMEONE is going to be upset.  But for every person who's 
upset that it's moved, there's going to be someone else who can attend 
because of the move.  It's not a personal attack on the person who can no 
longer attend because they have a different priority on the new night, it's 
about doing what's best for the Barony, her officers and populace as a 

Or if there's some regular activity on Wednesdays or Thursdays of which I'm 
unaware, perhaps some rotation.  1st Tuesday in January, April, July, Oct. 
1st Wednesday in Feb, May, Aug, Nov.  1st Thursday in Mar, June, Sept, Dec. 
We have a calendar.  We have email lists.  We have a news letter.  People 
who want to attend are able to be responsible enough to check dates and plan 

Kind regards,
Sir Morgan 

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