[Steppes] Icy Weather Check In

pax2006 at comcast.net pax2006 at comcast.net
Tue Dec 16 14:05:30 PST 2008

Greetings goode Gentles~

Having moved to this dominion from a land where snow and freezing rain doth pelt the bravest and make them run for shelter,  the small bits of ice seemed but a minor annoyance and the slower pace of the smoking carriages on the paths leading to my work was a most welcome relief! Lady Francesca, with her description of icicles dripping to the ground reminded me of what I left behind and reminded me to be grateful to He who is Mighty and delivered me from the Icy Wastes into the land of Warmth and Light. 

That being said... hey folks! I hear tomorrow is expected to be MUCH worse! Please be extra careful! I plan on leaving the car in the gar-age until it all melts! Perfect knitting weather!


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