[Steppes] new medieval book I bought

Lauren Black karania_avalon at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 29 18:04:57 PST 2008

So here's what's going on...  I recently got a new book called Knights and the Golden Age of Chivalry.   It looks like a good book and it just came out recently, I ordered it from Borders.com and I just got it today!  It has lots of beautiful images of castles, quests, battles, tournaments, courts, honors, and triumphs!  The wording on the front of the book says that its "a magnificent authoritative account of medieval knights, their origin as mounted warriors, their status, training, military exploits, romantic adventures, legendary excesses and eventual decline."  It also includes in this book "an analysis of the chivalric ideal with its roots in classical mythology and legend and its  flowering into the extravagant art and literature of the Middle Ages".    I'm just thrilled, and am looking forward to reading this book, and putting it with my other medieval reference books...

 Step follows Step,
Hope follows courage,
Set your face towards danger,
Set your heart on victory. 


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