[Steppes] January Newsletter

shark shark75080 at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jan 17 15:53:35 PST 2008


I had the newsletters ready and emailed the day before
Business Meeting. I think that was the last shining moment for your chronicler
this month, LOL! The copies were ready at Business Meeting but I found a
mistake on the calendar. To correct this:


NOTE: Populace is on the 25th at Mahdi and Val’s
house. 215
   Wildwood Dr. Duncanville 
 Texas 75137 .


I “hand” made corrections to the newsletters and
put the stamps on them. I gave them to a friend who was “going to the
post office anyway” to put in the box. I got a call from someone last
night who said they were unsure when Populace was. At that time the newsletter
paper copies had not arrived, nor had the newsletter been posted on the
internet. I called said friend who found the box of newsletters in his car on the backseat. SOOOOO. The newsletters are now in the mail (I did it myself), and I
will follow up on getting it posted to the internet. 


Two events that are in the newsletter that I want to draw
your attention to, just in case the formal stuff arrives too late:


DAY OF WAR, Jan 19th Saturday, Canton of
Lindenwood, Site opens at 5am, Armor inspection at 6am, site closes at 7:00 pm.
Site: Meyers Park 7117 Country Rd. 166, McKinney TX 75071. A post has already
been made on the list about this as well and it has more/better info. 

Clothier’s Guild, Beginning Quilting Class, Jan 20th
Sunday at Baroness Katheryn’s place, 1-4pm. A post has been made about this
as well that has more information.


Please email or call me if you need more information about


Lastly, your submissions for next month’s newsletter
are due on January 25th. I think if I have enough time, the
newsletter will be more accurate. At least I hope so. 


In Service,

Susanna Nightegale de Caldwell, Steppes Chronicler

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