[Steppes] [Elfsea] Rapier Practice on Sunday, December 21, INSIDE

Chelsea Durham baby_sis_83 at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 25 12:01:33 PST 2008

I can just need a reminder. 
-----Original Message-----
Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 1:52:10 pm
To: gdwilkerson at earthlink.net
Cc: Steppes at lists.ansteorra.org;elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
From: Barbara W <alysd38 at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Steppes] [Elfsea] Rapier Practice on Sunday, December 21,	INSIDE

I can be there, though maybe not for the whole 4 hours.


glen wilkerson wrote: 
>  I have received permission from Coordinator of Administrative Services at the Arlington Public Library that the Community Room of the Central Library branch may be reserved for fencing practice.  This is the same location we have done demos the last few years, except we would be INSIDE, in the downstairs community room with water fountains and restrooms right outside the door. 
>  How many rapier fighters would be able to commit to a Sunday afternoon practice from 2PM to 6PM on December 21 in Arlington, if I am able to reserve the room? 
>  Alaric, Elfsea Rapier Marshal 

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