[Steppes] Three Kings Follow Up:

William Black Dragon ironwyrm at sbcglobal.net
Fri Oct 10 05:20:51 PDT 2008

Greetings all,
Between getting the truck in & out of the shop and a severe case 
of poison ivy (yeah if its anywhere on site I'll find it) I'm running a 
bit behind in my correspondence.
I especially wish to thank those fighters whom came and stood 
the day with us despite the six to one odds against King Bela.  
I have tried all week to figure out whether it was bravery or just 
bull-headed stubbornness, either way I'll stand with any of you 
anywhere.  You guys were awesome!  
Thank you all whether you helped with service, equestrian, arts 
& science, bardic (way to go Robin), archery or you just helped 
to make our lives more comfortable within camp, you were great! 
We couldn't have asked for a more supportive group or better 
companions to the share the encampment with.  Our combined 
efforts did almost carry the day, I was told late Saturday night 
that when the final score was tallied King Bela's camp lacked 
but a single point to tie with the Mongol camp.  A commendable 
effort all, words just cannot express our gratitude & appreciation.  
On behalf of King Bela and myself, thank you all so much!  
Most humble regards,

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