[Steppes] Mini Tournament Reminder

Darran Faulkner ingveyork at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 25 08:46:57 PDT 2008

Hey folks this is just a friendly reminder that I will be hosting a mini/practice rapier tournament at Tietze Park in Dallas at 10:00 Saturday.  Everyone is welcome, so don't forget to bring water and chairs and armor.  After the we are done, we can all head back to my place (a block or so away) and have a cookout.  Unfortunately I will not really be able to provide anything in the way of food or drinks, but there are plenty of stores near by and you are welcome to bring what ever.

Please drop me a line if you are planning to attend, but that is not necessary.  Just come on out and have fun.

Don't hesitate to call if you need more information.


P.S. Feel free to post this to whatever lists are appropriate.


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