[Steppes] Populace Potluck on the 18th

Liz Wilson ewilson618 at tx.rr.com
Mon Dec 14 07:47:39 PST 2009

Good gentles, let me hear from you if you are attending the Populace Potluck
on the 18th, and what you would like to bring!  Please send your missives to
me at ewilson618 at tx.rr.com so that we can plan a coordinated offering, and
I will post to the list what has been offered.  Also, if you have written to me
and I don't have you listed below, please try again.  You can also reach me
at 972-899-2501 (leave message if no one answers).

So far, I have the following:

Baroness Kathryn:  roasted turkey

Duncan and Genevieve-- honey glazed ham

Christianna (me)--homemade orange-cranberry sauce

We need bread, salads, side dishes and desserts!  Offerings do not have
to be period but can coordinate with the above.

I am not sure about the drinks situation but I am sure that both alcoholic and
non alcoholic beverages would also be gratefully accepted.


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