[Steppes] 30th thank you's

Karen Calhoun kmcalhou at garlandisd.net
Tue Jul 21 10:56:19 PDT 2009

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Sorry to be so late in sending these, but life happened.  It's getting
back to normal....
I want to first thank Vincente.  He organized the archery activities at
30th.  This included the fun shoot for children, teens, and adults as
well as the IKAC's on Sat.  He brought with him all the tools he would
need including his own workforce.  Thank you for stepping up, your
exceptional organization, and willingness to work hard.
I want to also thank his assistants.  There were several marshals on the
line with him, including Robert, Michel, and Eadric.  I'm certain there
were more.
I want to thank the set up crew:  Marguerite and her Ansteorran "slave
monkeys" Padraig and Evan; Duncan, Christiana and their children Miranda
and Amelia.  Without them, the archery range and pavilions would not
have been there.
I would like to thank the archery communities of Elfsea and Steppes for
the use of their equipment.
I also want to thank the waterbearers; they kept our coolers filled and
iced.  Thank you to everyone on the line for keeping themselves watered
and healthy.  As far as I know, there was only 1 heat related incident
at the event and it wasn't someone on the archery range.
I was really nervous about taking on this position.  As with most
things, if you have good, strong, knowledgeable people to work with, all
will go well.  I believe that our part of the event went off
exceptionally well.  It was an honor to work with you all and to serve
my kingdom.
Thank you again.
HLy Ekaterina Iadorovna Kharlampieva
known as Katya of the Dark Side
**please feel free to forward as needed

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