[Steppes] Populace Canceled

shark shark75080 at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 22 21:40:10 PDT 2009

Greetings to you all,

I want to thank the folks that offered their homes for populace. However, as of 9pm tonight we hadn't really nailed any location down, and the Baroness and I felt that it was too late to try to get a new place advertised. So, we decided to cancel the populace revel for this month. I know you are all busy and have a lot going on - sewing, getting ready for Pennsic, preparing your entries for Steppes Artisan, resting up from 30th year. Enjoy the night off. IF you know someone that doesn't have access to the list or a computer, please contact them and let them know.

If there was something that you really wanted to discuss, you can always bring it to business meeting -  Monday, August 3rd, 7pm at New New. If you needed to speak to me about anything, send me an email and I will try to help you.

I wanted to remind you all that applications will be closing on 7/31 (Friday) for the offices of Hospitaler, Minister of Arts and Sciences, and Exchequer. Please send your applications to Baroness Katheryn, the current office holder, the central office holder, and the Seneschal (me). You need to provide your membership number and expiration date as well. 

We also have a financial committee opening. The deadline for your application for that position is the end of August. Please send an email to the current Exchequer (HL Alasdair), his deputy (HL Katya), Baroness Katheryn, and me.(Membership info is required for this as well).

If you need help with an application let me know. 

I am looking for a deputy for the office of Seneschal. I have had a couple of you talk to me about this. I still need something in writing from you.  If you are interested, please send me an email with your background, any qualification, and why you are interested in being the Seneschal's deputy and perhaps being Seneschal one day. Please send this to me and Baroness Katheryn. 

As soon as our new officers are in place, we will be starting next year's budget efforts. Officers, please look at your projected costs for next year and be ready to provide your financial requirements for your areas of responsibility. For the soon-to-be-new officers, we will help you guys with this so no worries. We need to get a draft budget in place by the end of August. 

In Service,
Lady Susanna Nightegale, Steppes Seneschal

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