[Steppes] sonic for schools

Karen Calhoun KMCalhou at garlandisd.net
Wed Sep 2 11:51:12 PDT 2009

One of the teachers at our school has requested funds from "Donors Choose" and could use your help in getting the money for a program we are using with our kids.  Your support is appreciated.
"Make sure that every time you get a Sonic drink, peel that little sticker, then go to www.limeadesforlearning.com and put in the code to vote for my project.  My project is called "The Value of Friendship" so you'll need to search for that and then vote.  Thanks, you all are the best!"
Mrs. Karen Calhoun
Austin Academy
Career and Technology and 
Computer Explorations

(972) 926-2620
kmcalhou at garlandisd.net

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit;
genius hits a target no one else can see."
Arthur Schopenhauer

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