[Steppes] Business Meeting Location Change

Seneschal of the Steppes seneschal at steppes.ansteorra.org
Mon Dec 20 15:36:19 PST 2010

Attention to the Populace of the Steppes:
Due to a new change in policy by the Midway Point Restaurant, we will no
longer be holding business meetings there.  Management has requested a $100
fee for each meeting we hold, in addition to a minimum food order of $300.
Despite attempts to negotiate, I have heard no response from the manager.
I have spoken with the Baron, in regards to his opinion on where to hold our
business meetings, but I would also like to hear from the Populace.  Our new
webminister, John, has placed a poll on the Steppes website for members to
sumit their opinions on where to meet.  If you have a specific location in
mind, please send me an e-mail at seneschal at steppes.ansteorra.org .
*Ideally*, we need a separate room, at no extra charge, that seats about 20+
people and serves food, somewhere in the north Dallas area.
I look forward to seeing your response!  The link for the poll is on our
'Welcome' page, or click this link to go directly to it:
http://steppes.ansteorra.org/node/84 .  We will leave it open until our next
business meeting, on January 3rd.  I will post a message with the new
location as soon as one is chosen.


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