[Steppes] Children's Gaming at 12th Night

Liz Wilson ewilson618 at tx.rr.com
Thu Dec 23 06:53:10 PST 2010

Just a reminder that the children will have their own gaming table at 12th
Night!  My girls and I will bring some toys and games  for all to use, but all
children are encouraged to bring their own appropriate period toys and
games to use and share at the table (please avoid bringing 
electronics).  Parents will still be responsible for their 
own children, and children must clean up after themselves!
I will check on things from time to time but I will not be
"running things" all day at the table--it's an opportunity for
the children to hang out and make their own fun.

I will be taking children outside about 2 pm for outdoor
period games (horse races, tug of war, etc.), although I
will need another unrelated adult who will go outside
with me.  Please contact me off list if you have
any additional questions about the children's
activities at 12th Night.

Christianna inghean Fearghus

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