[Steppes] FP and a costuming class

Genie Barrett maggegene at gmail.com
Wed Jul 14 08:16:15 PDT 2010

Hey all,

We're having FP in *Terrell* this week.  It's at the *Ben Gill park*.  From
Hwy 80, go north on 9th street and left onto Lion's Club Road.  We are in
the trees across the street from the basketball courts.

I am also planning (after much requesting and bugging from friends) to *teach
a class* on how to make the *Viking 10 gore dress/tunic* (like the one I
made for HE Hraffn, and the ones I sell).

This will be a full hands-on class.  I will measure you, tell you what to
cut, and if you bring your machines, you can even start/make it here.

The date is not set in stone yet, but I'd like to do it on the 24th, as
there is nothing on the calendar.  I know that I live way out in BFE for a
lot of people, so if there is anyone who would really like to take this
class but needs travel time let me know and I will take you into account
when times are planned.

In service,
Magge MacPherson

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