[Steppes] Beginner Garb Class/Back to the Basics - Getting Started with your Garb Wardrobe

Carol Ross gdc at stormypetrel.org
Wed Jul 14 19:28:35 PDT 2010

On August 7th I will be hosting a Perth Street Fabric run starting at 10 
am. Please plan to meet in the centralized parking area on Perth Street, 
Dallas. All levels of fabric knowledge are welcome.

This will be followed on August 14th, again starting at 10 am, for the 
Beginner Garb Class details as below:

Beginner Garb Class/Back to the Basics - Getting Started with your Garb 
Tired of asking to borrow the loaner Garb? Come learn how to fashion 
your very own T-Tunic or Simple Dress
Motel 6 Addison Cottonbelt Meeting Room
4325 Beltline
Addison, Texas 75001
Contact: Rhonwen aka Kelly Kellett-Drzymala 214-335-6687
Portable sewing machines needed.
BYOM (Bring your own material)

Baroness Genevieve

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