[Steppes] Follow up - Steppes Archery Activies for Sunday July 18th:

William Black Dragon ironwyrm at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jul 19 11:03:00 PDT 2010


I wished to thank everyone whom braved the heat to come to Steppes 
fighter practice for our first combat archery training session.  We only 
had two no shows out of the seven beginners who reserved a spot 
in the class, but gained two more unexpectedly.  We also had two 
combat archers seeking re-authorization sit in and one authorized 
veteran combat archer to share his experience & advice for a total of 
ten attending.  

Not a bad showing right out of the gate!  We did have some problem 
keeping everyone in the shade (next time we'll pick a better spot or 
bring a second pop-up).  However we did have a good start and now 
we have evaluated each trainee's needs we can began to work on 
those areas where the most help is needed.  

Thanks to our fighters & knight marshal for the use of the Steppes 
loaner armor to "whack an archer" for the non-fighter recruits whom 
were ready to get that part of the training over with.  I know you guys 
really enjoyed that, I could tell by the gleam in your eyes, but thanks 
for helping anyway! lol  

Our next combat archery class is planed for Sunday August 1st at 
the same location.  We shall be posting "where to get what you need" 
information to the email addresses collected and will also forward 
some other useful stuff that might help you along as well.  

Alright, thanks again for coming out in the heat, we are very much 
looking forward to getting you guys trained and on the field as 
authorized combat archers!  


HL William Black Dragon called "Ironwyrm"  
Interim Archery Marshal for the Barony of the Steppes  

BTW, If you haven't seen the new park it's a great spot for melee 
practice, lot's of space there!

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