[Steppes] Steppes Archery Activites for Sunday July 18th:

William Black Dragon ironwyrm at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jul 18 06:16:53 PDT 2010

Good morning all,

HL Katya has canceled our Steppes target archery practice at 
Eastfield College this morning due to the heat advisory.  We still 
plan to hold our introduction to combat archery class during Steppes 
fighter practice today at Oak Creek Park, 2337 Oak Creek Drive, 
Carrollton TX 75007.  We shall likely start sometime around 3pm.  

Make no mistake it is going to be hot so come prepared to deal 
with the heat, dress appropriate, bring plenty of cool fluids to drink, 
and folding chairs for cooling off in the shade.  I do have some 
information to hand out however you might wish to bring a pad & 
pencil to take notes just in case there is not enough to go around.  

We hope to see you there! 


HL William Black Dragon  called "Ironwyrm"
Interim Archery Marshal for the Barony of the Steppes

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