[Steppes] Arts Projects

Carol Ross gdc at stormypetrel.org
Wed Jul 21 16:01:55 PDT 2010

Greetings everyone,

This past weekend TRM requested that the Baronies help enhance the 
ambiance of the Kingdom Pavilion in order to provide a gathering place 
for the populace at both foreign and local events. Some examples they 
gave were pillows, walls, lighting as well as garland and wreathes. If 
you have an idea or even if you are interested in making something 
please contact me.

Additionally, I would also like to see us start drumming up ideas for 
the Royal gifts we provide for Gulf Wars so that we can get that project 
started. I do not yet know which Kingdom we will be given to provide 
gifts for however many projects take a long time to complete so I 
thought it would be nice to get stuff started as soon as possible.

And finally, it would be nice as well if we could provide some nice 
gifts for visiting Royals at BAM this year. This can be in the form of 
personal gifts as well as largess for them to give out.

We will be discussing all of this further at both Populace and Business 

Baroness Genevieve

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