[Steppes] Steppes Digest, Vol 1109, Issue 20

Deana Covel Whitney dmcovel79 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 18 19:45:13 PDT 2010

Silivus & I are hoping to come.  If so, we'll be bringing a peach cobbler. 
And some paper so people can take home simple hood patterns, if they need one. 

In Service,
 Mistress Hanna

> Tomorrow, Saturday, June 19th, we will have an afternoon
> class on How the SCA Works, at the home of Master Duncan and
> Mistress Genevieve, Baron and Baroness of the Steppes. 
> It will be focused on how new people get involved, and
> taught (at least at first) by two established peers. 
> It will be followed by an evening pot-luck revel.
> > 
> Robin of Gilwell / Jay Rudin


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