[Steppes] 12 Night - Anglo Saxon Mead Hall

Jessica Smith jasiwolf at gmail.com
Sat Jun 26 07:26:49 PDT 2010

Last night Their Excellencies of the Steppes told me that I would be the
Steward for their first 12th Night on January 8th 2011.

The Theme will be Anglo Saxon Mead Hall.

Our site is still soft, we promise it will be a site where alcohol is
allowed for the evening - so please, if you want to brew for 12th Night -
Start now! :)

This 12th Night promises to depart a little from just a feast event where
people chat all day. Don Ingve has promised to host Guardian of the Gauntlet
and His Excellency Duncan wants to play Chivalric Games for a short time
during the day. We will have games, we will have competition, and we will
have plenty of places for people to chat!

If you have anything you want to run at 12th Night, please, email me as soon
as possible so that I can consider it in my plans! If you'd like to
volunteer for anything (most things can use someone) please email me as

Many Thanks to Their Squirrel Infested Excellencies for allowing me the
great honor of Stewarding this event for them,

Lady Vyolante do Porto
Steward for Steppes 12th Night

vyolante at gmail.com
voicemail -  (240) 397-8279

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