[Steppes] Tomorrow! How the SCA Works and Pot Luck Revel Saturday, June 19

Jay Rudin rudin at peoplepc.com
Fri Jun 18 11:58:02 PDT 2010

Tomorrow, Saturday, June 19th, we will have an afternoon class on How the SCA Works, at the home of Master Duncan and Mistress Genevieve, Baron and Baroness of the Steppes.  It will be focused on how new people get involved, and taught (at least at first) by two established peers.  It will be followed by an evening pot-luck revel.

The Steppes has a lot of new members right now, and the SCA can be a little bewildering.  So we will give an overview of what the SCA is, how it works, and how you can become an active part of it.

Everyone is welcome.  Come ask questions, or answer them, or just to join in.  If you want to wear a costume, feel free.  Robin will be in costume.  If you want to wear regular clothes, also feel free -- Serena will be doing that.  We don't want anything to get in the way of people coming and joining in.

So c'mon over! Ask questions! Eat food!

Among the questions we will answer are: what is a revel?  [It's an SCA party -- talking, food, drink, maybe some singing, lots of meeting each other, etc.]  What do the baron and baroness do?  [Help everyone in the Dallas-area SCA grow and learn and be rewarded, by, in part, holding revels and classes at their house.]  And what are peers?  [Peers are leaders in the fighting, arts and service arenas, whose job it is to teach and help people get involved.]

The SCA is a co-op, and it only works if we all get involved.  But how?  It's a large, complicated and sometimes bewildering structure, hard to absorb all at once.  Mistress Serena and Master Robin will lead a discussion and answer any questions.  Between us, we have experience in fighting, fencing, service and arts, and have held many offices.  Others will be there as well, including the new baron and baroness, adding their experience and knowledge.

We have a lot of experience, knowledge and SCA success, but we certainly don't claim to know it all.  I hope other established members will add their knowledge and experience, and an active part in the discussion, which will be kind of free-ranging.  But we can only commit ourselves.  That's part of the co-op nature of it.  Any other members want to come help?  Sing out!

Any newcomers planning on coming?  Let us know!  If you have any specific questions, post them here and we can all be a little readier to discuss them.  This is also part of the co-op nature of the SCA.  Like anything else, this class will only work if people get involved.

As the discussion winds down, the revel will start up.  It's a pot luck revel, so bring food and drink, and come share with us all.

Place: Home of Master Duncan and Mistress Genevieve, Baron and Baroness of the Steppes
17919 Meadowchase Way
Dallas, TX 75287

Time: Discussion starts roughly 1:00 pm.  It will last as long as people enjoy talking, listening and debating.  The revel will break out whenever it does.  We expect this to last all afternoon and evening, but who knows?  The SCA is a co-op, and the revel lasts as long as people are involved.

Questions to Robin of Gilwell 214-663-2297

Robin of Gilwell / Jay Rudin

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