[Steppes] New Webminister for Steppes

Alasdair MacEogan alasdair at bmhanson.net
Sun Jun 27 17:54:21 PDT 2010


"Barbara W" <alysd38 at yahoo.com> wrote:

>Do you mean Geoffery Sparhauk, of late the Knight's Marshal? 
>--- On Thu, 6/24/10, Alasdair MacEogan <alasdair at bmhanson.net> wrote:
>From: Alasdair MacEogan <alasdair at bmhanson.net>
>Subject: [Steppes] New Webminister for Steppes
>To: steppes at lists.ansteorra.org
>Date: Thursday, June 24, 2010, 10:15 AM
>I am happy to announce that the new webminister has been chosen for the Barony of the Steppes.  I would like to thank Duncan for the service he has provided and welcome Geoffrey to the office.  Duncan and Geoffrey will be working on the transition and let you know when the changeover is fully in affect.
>Central Regional Webminister
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