[Steppes] Populace 3/26

Susan McMahill sueorintx at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 23 18:00:02 PDT 2010

Good evening!


Populace this week will be at our home in the northeast portion of the metroplex. Lasguaard, my sister, Karen, and I welcome one and all to our home. We will provide a few snacks and will probably have ice and some sodas, but anything else you would like to bring will be welcome!


Our Address is:

210 S. 3rd St.

Wylie, TX 75098

House phone: 972-429-8985

Lasguaard's cell: 214-564-0605

Lyneya's cell: 972-896-1505


General Directions:


We are located at the northwest corner of Butler and S. 3rd St in Wylie. Google Maps and Mapquest have historically placed us a block north at Masters and S. 3rd. This year, They seem to have it right. 




>From the South:


Make your best way to Hwy 78 and the Bush Turnpike. Head north on Hwy 78 approximately 6 miles. At that time, you should be close to the intersection of 78 and FM 544. Continue through that light to the next traffic light which is located at 78 and Ballard St. Turn left at Ballard and make an almost immediate left onto Butler St. Go 3 blocks and the house will be on your left at the intersection of 3rd and Butler. There is a mailbox that resembles a wishing well at the end of our walk.


>From the West:


You can take 190 to the Hwy 78 exit and use the same directions as above, or you can come out on 544. When I come home from work, I prefer to take 190 to Jupiter, make a left onto Jupiter and then a  right on Plano Parkway and follow it until it joins up with 544. I take 544 to 78, make a left and then follow the directions above.


>From the North:


There is a route that you can take utilizing Parker Road which winds around and jogs and eventually becomes North Ballard Street in Wylie. If you follow it through downtown Wylie, you will come to the intersection of North Ballard and Hwy 78. Continue through the intersection for one short block, make a left on Butler and Go 3 blocks and we will be on the corner of 3rd and Butler, where the wishing well mailbox is.


I don't know of anyone coming from the east, but if you come in on Hwy 78, make a left turn at Ballard, a quick left on Butler, and go 3 blocks.


If you get lost, or your GPS puts you someplace else....ours still wants us up a block....give us a hollar on the phone and we'll talk you in.


We do have three cats. The dog is gone now so you don't have to worry about being jumped on. Chances are we won't see one of the cats at all, and the other two will be pretty scarce, but if you have allergies...take your meds. We will do our best, but...heck, My sister and I are both allergic to them, but... what the heck. What's a few more itchy eyes and sneezes when you have cedar elm and grass allergies, too?


Garb is preferred, but not required. The time for gathering is usually 7:30, but if you show up at 7, we won't make you wait outside....maybe ;)


This is the 7th year that we have hosted March Populace at our home. It's my shameless excuse for throwing my own birthday party. I believe in celebrating them, no matter how many you have. This one is a substantial one for me, my 55th! All March birthday celebrants will be special guests! Thank you for coming (in advance)! Come share your Gulf War stories with those of us who couldn't make it this year!


In Service,


Lyneya de Grey...rapidly gaining on being "older than dirt!"




Well-behaved women Seldom make history - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich


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