Carol Anne Gordon cagordon22 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 14:02:25 PST 2010

Greetings, gentle populace of the Kingdom of Ansteorra and the Barony of

Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

His Majesty, Good King William of England,
requests the honor of thy presence at
“A Midwinter’s (K)night to Remember”

A Madrigal Dinner and Theatrical Event!
First Presbyterian Church of Plano, 15th Street at Jupiter

There will be three performances:
Saturday, December 4 & Sunday, December 5, at 6:00 pm,
& a discounted matinee/preview/dress rehearsal performance
on Saturday, December 4, at 2:00 pm

Ticket Prices:

Matinee:  Ages 11+ - $8, includes dessert, wassail & show
Child ages 5-10 - $5, includes dessert, wassail & show
Child ages 0-4 - $5, includes snack & child care (no show)

Evening Shows: Ages 11+ - $20, includes full meal & show
Child ages 5-10 - $10, includes full meal & show
Child 0-4 - $5, includes kid’s meal and child care (no show)

Seating is limited, reservations are required
Please send checks for tickets,
payable to First Presbyterian Church of Plano,
to 1500 Jupiter Road, Plano, TX 75074

Please indicate in a note with your check:
Which show you are attending
The names and ages of those attending
Your phone number & e-mail address,
so that we may contact you to confirm your reservations

All thy family is welcome!
Please feel free to dress in they finest Medieval togs!

Carol Anne Gordon
cagordon22 at gmail.com

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