[Steppes] Youth Practice 10/03/10

Gene Drzymala gene_drzymala at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 3 19:01:58 PDT 2010

With a impish glee, three stalwart young fighters took the field today. Rhiannon (spelling?) the brave; Skolmir, son of Ivan and John the Mighty. Lot's of fun was had as they fought through bear pits, every person for themselves, three strikes and 2 v 1.
This was John's first day putting on armor and taking up arms, but he held his own in a way that any seasoned fighter could be proud of; once cleaving in twain 2 fighters with but a single slice of his bardiche.
Think I'm making this up? You'll find the you tube picks up soon that our proud Baron did take. So next time bring your young fighters to the Sunday fighter practices and watch the Acorns grow!!
>From small acorns do mighty oaks grow.
Vivat the day to the youth!


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