[Steppes] thank you!

Karen Calhoun kmcalhou at garlandisd.net
Wed Apr 27 05:38:51 PDT 2011

I've received some great feedback on my question regarding seal-a-meal machines.
here's what was said:  You can get these things anywhere (except where I shop, apparently), CostCo, Walmart, Target, etc, Amazon can give free shipping, definitely try Cabella's, online is a great source.
Buy the rolls not the individual bags
before you seal anything, cool it down first.  This will also help to prevent the tortillas from getting soggy.
One person mentioned that if you use the name brand bags, you can cook in them (add eggs, veggies, etc, seal tightly with no air in the bag, and boil away.)
Thank you everyone for your suggestions and advice.  I'm hoping to try this out at Warlord.  We'll see.  I haven't had much time to cook lately, so there haven't been any leftovers.
Have a good TAKS week and see you at The Tor this weekend.

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