[Steppes] Populace in the park - this Sunday

Baron of the Steppes baron at steppes.ansteorra.org
Wed Apr 13 10:52:17 PDT 2011

Because of holidays and scheduling difficulties, it was decided that this
month's populace meeting, which is also the quarterly Populace in the Park,
would be moved up to April 17th, which is this Sunday. I'll have the
pavilion up by 11:00, so any travelers from the Glaslyn event that want to
come by and socialize or swing sticks can do so. It'll be a casual day, with
a mini-tourney in the early afternoon. There will be a pot luck as well, so
bring a small dish or snack if you wish. We seem to have been short on
drinks at past PitPs, so I'll commit to bringing an assortment of beverages.

As a reminder, the location is Oak Creek Park in Carrollton.

2531 Oak Creek Dr
Carrollton Tx 75007
On the north side of the road, just past the tennis courts. I'll set up the
pavilion closer to the road this time. =)

We hope to see you all there.

Baron Duncan and Baroness Genevieve

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