[Steppes] Local items in latest Letter of Acceptances and Returns from Laurel

Alasdair MacEogan alasdair at bmhanson.net
Thu Apr 28 07:12:38 PDT 2011

Greetings all.  Having received the latest LoAR (February 2011) last night I figured I would post these items of local 
interest.  Please congratulate the following people on their registrations

Acceptances from Steppes
Ekarius von Krossen. Name change from Alwin of Chailewai. His previous name, Alwin of Chailewai, is retained as an 
alternate name.

Gera von Roer. Name change from Muriella Sibilla de Oseburnham. Her previous name, Muriella Sibilla de Oseburnham, is 
retained as an alternate name.

Acceptances from Elfsea
Silvius Foppa. Name.

There were no returns for Ansteorra in this letter.

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