[Steppes] Populace in the Park

Carol Ross gdc at stormypetrel.org
Mon Oct 29 17:43:30 PDT 2012

Greetings Steppes,

We want to thank everyone for coming out to Populace in the Park. We 
greatly enjoy this kind of populace and hope that each of you do as well.

We would like to thank Lasgaard and Lynena, Sven and Antigone for 
helping us setting up the pavilion. You guys are always available and 
reliable and this means far more to us than you can possibly realize.

Also, we would like to thank everyone for giving us a hand in breaking 
down. I do believe this was the quickest and easiest breakdown we've had 
yet. And finally, much gratitude to Lochlan, Gwen and Eber for assisting 
us with the load in of the gear. Your realization that it doesn't just 
end when the park is cleaned is much appreciated. And last but not least 
thank you to Xene and Llewellyn for offering to help at load in.

Genevieve and Duncan

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