[Steppes] (no subject)

Archery Marshal archery at steppes.ansteorra.org
Tue Jan 29 20:11:24 PST 2013

We had a pretty good turnout for our last Archery practice. We had quite a
few newcomers from our new group Kings Creek. I was very impressed with the
turnout, and would like to urge everyone to come out next time, and
participate. We are hoping that the next archery practice we will be able
to try out some combat archery practice right before Gulf War. This is not
a guarantee, but I am hoping to convince some of our combat archers to come
out and shoot at the fighters, so you can get a taste of what you will be
receiving when we face off with Trimaris.

 Our next practice will be on February 16th, 2012 at Maggie Macpherson’s
home again. Also, we are hoping to put together a bow restringing day. We
have to get our extra bows restrung, and hopefully I can talk with a few
people so that we might get a class together to make bracers. As cheesy as
it sounds getting bruises on your forearm are a booger.

I am getting the next practice set up for March, and we are hoping to do
that on the 30th. I do hope to see everyone out there, and I am going to
talk with some people about getting Maggie’s address added to the list as
the official archery practice, so that if I do not, or I am unable to post
it, then it will be on the list, and everyone will know where to go.

Just reminders that the February practice will also be a Valentine shoot as
well.  So come out and shoot a valentine for your sweetie. Anyone can do it
as long as you’re brave enough to try.

Lady Katharine Kavanaugh

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