[Steppes] A request

Steven Bowman gnitsaf at gmail.com
Thu Feb 13 08:57:07 PST 2014

This is forwarded from a facebook post (with permission)

Katy Hendrick (Magdalena Dena Cortez)

"For all the crochet/knitter enthusiasts!

DFS is asking for all that will to donate as many 9x9 squares to create
blankets for chemo patients.

I'm (katy) planning to do a couple and thought others might like to use up
some left over yarn they might have laying around! If at all possible, I'd
like to try and give the squares by March 1st.

Any takers?"

Now I'm adding to this. I'm planning on doing a few and passing them on to
Katy at the Dance symposium.  If anyone wants to send any with me to
deliver please let me know. I'd like to present them with a carload.  I
asked about material/color/pattern etc.  She said anything we want. It just
has to be 9x9 square.  Let's take this opportunity to show how giving
Ansteorra can be.

Vittorio out

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