[Steppes] A&S opportunity - herbs - Feb 22

suzanna herbalist suzannaherbalist at earthlink.net
Fri Feb 14 12:44:55 PST 2014

Ah, it seems that I need to renew my supplies of some of my herbal concoctions.  I thought perchance some of you might be interested in watching/helping.  

Date - Sat, Feb 22, about 2pm till whenever

Place - my house, 2925 Seymour, Dallas, 75229, near Webb Chapel and Royal

Topic - I will be making a new batch of tooth powder and of cough syrup.  Can print handouts if desired.  Will have books available for review...

Bring - 1 or 2 ounce liquid tight jar/bottle if you want cough syrup, small closed container if you want samples of tooth powder or herbs for making cough syrup.  Any refreshments you want - I am not providing any (sorry).

Contact me at 214-351-3907 or suzannaherbalist at earthlink.net for more information, directions, etc.  If you think you might come, let me know so I can put the obnoxious dogs outside.

Please cross-post to other local lists, Facebook as needed.  Note that I seldom if ever look at Facebook, so all replies should be to my email...

HL Suzanna, herbalist, WD
Artisan of the Steppes 
Artisan of Elfsea
suzannaherbalist at earthlink.net
Barony of the Steppes
Sue Rogers

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