[Steppes] Watauga Library Demo

Hospitaler of Elfsea via Steppes steppes at lists.ansteorra.org
Fri Jul 31 10:34:43 PDT 2015

Greetings everyone!

Please join Elfsea tomorrow for our demo at the Watauga Public Library! The
demo starts at 12pm and ends at 3pm. We are allowed to come in at 11am to
set up. If you have not already said you are coming, but would like to come
and display something, please just come and we will find you a spot! The
library is generously letting us use the full library to display! So,
please come and bring your art and your armor and show off what the SCA is!

The address is 7109 Whitley Rd. Watauga, TX 76148.

Set up is at 11am and we are allowed to stay until 4pm to tear down. I look
forward to seeing everyone there!

In service,

Lady Áine
Hospitaler, Barony of Elfsea
Demo Coordinator

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