Again m'lords and ladies, I bring you tidings of a wonderful opportunity for the Steppes. The Wooden Spoon, in Plano, has offered to let us share in their 16th anniversary celebration, along with a City of Plano and their PARROTHEAD Festival. Artisans of all sorts, fighters (USA won rapier in the olympics!!) light and heavy, bards, dancers, and just ambassadors of good will are needed for Saturday, Sept. 11th, friom 10:00 to 6:00. Come one (no), come ALL, please. Respond to me off-list for planning and questions. Who will gather the artisans??? Who will gather the fighters??? Who will gather the rest of the volunteers??? Talk to me, please! YIS, Bre'nain MacGilla Pa'traic, Steppes Demo-Coordinator He hammered and sang with tiny voice, And sipped his mountain dew; Oh! I laughed to think he was caught at last, But the fairy was laughing, too. ROBERT DWYER JOYCE, "The Leprechaun"