Hiya All! As usual, we will be having dance practice from 7:00-9:00 PM tomorrow night, Tuesday, May 3, in Plano. If you have been thinking of attending dance, but just haven't made it, this would be an excellent week to join us as we practice dances to prepare for the Kingdom of Heaven demo which will be going on Friday night at the Cinemark located at the North Dallas Tollway and Parker Rd. in Plano starting at 6:00 PM. On that note, we would also love to see folks come and dance at the demo; we are preparing a set of our earliest dances and plan to wear clothing from the Middle Ages in keeping with the theme of the demo. If you need more information about our class location, contact information, or just want to skim our FAQ's, please visit our website at: http://www.dancemaster.org See you there! HL Helene Quivremont (Alicia Borman) ---- Msg sent via AWebmail - powered by A+ Hosting