Dear Folks I have always felt like a Steppes person. Where I lived now is only a couple of blocks from the first Baron's home. I was greatly involved in building the Steppes into a Barony. I would like to point out a few things. Groups are about balance. You have the off the wall people on one side. I being one of those. And you you have the solid down to earth people on the other side. When you are in balance things work right. If the off the wall people take over you have chaos and if the solid careful people take over you have stagnation. Both groups are needed. All systems have the nature of going to entropy. As we grow older and trier we are less interested in change. We embrace entropy. We want the status quo. Do to many years of decisions the Steppes balance has shifted to entropy. Many of us are tired and we have seen too much and what the younger people want to do seems to much work or just plain boring and dull. We have gotten bored with each other or over the years we have had problems and we don't want to work with each other. In primitive tribes that live in jungles their leaders have the responsible of putting the tribe back together by declaring that it is time for the tribe to please the Gods by dancing. Of course like us they are tired and mad at their fellow tribesmen and they all say "No". The leader must be strong enough to get everyone up and doing things. After the dance the tribe is renewed. Energy has been put into the system and entropy is overcomed. For the Steppes to turn around we need to put energy into the system. We need a leader that sees the need for us to do things together and can be stubborn enough to overcome our tiredness. I will freely state that in last five years I have been an entropy person. I have not added to the energy. I was surprised at the effect my sons had with their little gaming tent. Only a few people were involved but it seemed to touch many others. The same thing with the Ladies Pavilion. There seemed to greater energy around it. The effort put into the Bard's pavilion at 12Th night brought them to life and there was lots more energy at the event. The "Fairy Tale" theme of a couple of years ago made the event more alive. We need leadership that will have creative visions and help us have more things at our events and in our group. And help us get the energy up to be excited. When we are looking for new Baron or Baroness we need to look for someone with a lot of energy and someone who is stubborn enough to overcome our. "I don' want to do it. I'm tired." On another point: I have been looking at Baron Thomas in the Austin. His barony has 17 active guilds. Every night has something on it. Most have more than one. They would have more,but they are have trouble scheduling. They have a demo a month that recruits 6 people and of that 6 usually one stays. The Baron maintains a very period court and many people play persona. The guilds provides many things for the Baron to give out and everyone seems to believe in and take part of the idea of the Barony. The energy and friendship is wonderful. Their Baronial guard is interesting. Yes, it is a fighting unit,but mainly it is a service organization. I know that we must do things our way, but we might look at some of active groups in the kingdom and out and see what they have done. Just some thoughts willow ________________________________________________________________________ Interested in getting caught up on today's news? Click here to checkout USA TODAY Headlines.