I was glad that Master Fritz thought the Wish List was a way to cooperate. We need to encourage talking to our Future Baroness. In my experience it is never bad to pitch. Many times your "wishes" are put on the bad burner, but in a year you might find them being done. Be prepared to be called on to help make them a reality and be prepared for them to be modified. I told my sons this when they were just 14 and they requested some things of the new Baron of Elfsea, Sir Galen. He did put them into effect but it took a couple of years (Everything always take a bit of time) and by the time they got done my sons were into other things, but he did them. A change in the Baronial Leader means a fresh look at ideas. it is a time to be excited. I remember my husband's favorite story about Lincoln Stephens. (I want to make it clear I am not calling the future Baroness a corrupt politician.) Chicago was run by a machine. The people in Chicago wanted a new bridge. They came to Lincoln Stephens and asked him what to do. he told them to ask the Mayor. They answered he is corrupt and bought his way into power. Stephens said ask him anyway. They did and he was happy to build the bridge. He might of been corrupt but he was still the Mayor of Chicago and wanted the people's support. Duke Jonathan tells people to always ask and remember even the worst people will sometimes do what you want. I can not number the times I have been in political conflict with people and went to them with projects and they have agreed to help we with them. These were people I was having knock down fights with and they helped me. Think how easy it will be to talk to Lady Kathryn who is a gracious, kind lady. Please keep in mind that she will have to sort things out and it may take time to get to your request. willow ________________________________________________________________________ Interested in getting caught up on today's news? Click here to checkout USA TODAY Headlines. http://track.juno.com/s/lc?s=198954&u=http://www.usatoday.com/news/front.htm?csp=24