[Tempio] Crown Tourney tales

Christine Grosvenor rs_teke at yahoo.com
Wed May 7 12:46:10 PDT 2003

Okay, apparently the e-mail i KNOW i sent a couple
days ago got lost in the bottomless pit of cyberspace.
 (I think its something similar to where induivdual
socks disappear to in the washing machine, or where
you keys go when you cant find them)  Anyway, after
stewing in anger over it for a day, i think i'm ready
to give it another go.

It was a REALLY long drive to the site.  We left
around 7:30 on friday night, made the mistake of
following the directions in the black star (which led
us astray in Dallas) got lost, got back on track, and
finally got to the site around 3:30 am.  I was just a
wee bit tired.  Then i had to set up the tent.  FUN!
If it wasnt for the hospitality of the people of
Northkeep, then i would be saying i would never do
that drive again.  But as things stand, i'll just say
i dont want to do it again for a long time.
   The site was really nice, the weather was very
nice.  shortly before the final round the clouds got
angry looking, rumbled on us, srpinkled on us, made a
big show of reminding us how lucky we are, then left
without another arguement.  Whatever kind of deal
Their Magesties made with the Weather Gods seemed to
work out, but i dont think i want to know what the
Gods got in return.  Anyway, for the shopoholics out
there, there were quite a bit of merchants there, many
of which i havent seen before, which was nice.  I was
starting to think i had seen them all.  I bought some
little illumination books and an inkle loom (yay, i
finally have one!) and with the help of Lady Visa, my
mom purchased a very nice cloak, which i'm sure she
wont be able to use for a very long time, with summer
coming up and all.
  During the tournament, the fine people of Northkeep
provided their guests with spiced nuts, fruits,
veggies, and my favorite, homemade chocolates.  I
thought that was a very cool gesture.  The fighting
went as i guess it does at most crowns, with bouts
that go on forever and a day, and many of the fighters
being well um... more..selective.. about what
constitutes a good shot.  I was very disappointed when
my favorite people were eliminated, but they all
faught well, and most importantly, honorably.  I have
to say however, that i am not disappointed at all with
the results of the tournament.  Not that my opinion
matters, but Sir Ulsted will make an excellent king.
His persona is Norman.  Good to see a man with a nasal
and a kite shield takeing people down.  :)
  Anyway, i cant say how feast or evening court went
since we didnt go.  We were really tired from only
getting a couple hours of sleep that morning, so we
found some food at that scottish place
(MacGregors..MacDonalds.. something like that) and
went to sleep.
  The drive home was a bit faster going home (minus
the detour we took on the way there) but we were both
exhausted. I wanted to hit fighter practice since we
were home in time, but i was just too darn tired. at
least i was awake tho.  my mom slept from the time we
got hone until the next morning.  :P
  Anyway, i better get back to work, crunch time is
comeing up.  See everyone Sunday.


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