[Tempio] New Baby!

Walt Lang bha_mac at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 1 16:22:35 PST 2004

Greetings one and all,
We are very happy that every thing went well.
And for this blessed miracle of life we say to you young lad, 
"Welcome to the world, your journey has just begun."
And I offer this word of advise to you: Keep your Aunt Christine in line ;).
Congratulations to the Durgin and Grosvenor families,
Tressa and BhaMac

Christine Grosvenor <rs_teke at yahoo.com> wrote:
Colin Hunter Durgin was born to my sister at S&W
yesterday morning at 4:50 am! He's a big boy born at
exactly 38 weeks coming in at 7 lbs, 13 oz., and 18
inches (tho later measured at 20). Mom and baby are
still in the hospital until friday morning because mom
was running a temp after delivering, so they want to
give Colin antiboitics just in case. My mother and
myself (along with the father) were both able to be
present for the birth thanks to Coni, who was my
sisters nurse. Hopefully we'll have some pictures to
share soon!


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