[Tempio] [Fwd: Shire]

Rowanna rowanna at hot.rr.com
Wed Aug 25 19:38:01 PDT 2004

Robert, thank you for forwarding Karen's message to the shire.
I am going to try to reply to Karen's comments both as Seneschal and as
a member of the planning committee. Hopefully I will clarify some of the
confusion she has created.
1)       The planning committee is happy that you understand the
benefits and the minimal cost of the obstacle course we had 
designed and proposed. I personally am confused Karen, because you, as a
guest at the meeting, offered some of the strongest objections to the
idea but not the only objections.  The biggest objection was the concern
that no one would be interested in trying it out and we would have
wasted the Shire's money.  The planning committee stands behind the idea
so much that we want to finance it ourselves and we will take that risk.
I did say at the Populace meeting that we would be asking for help to
put the project together.  The planning committee is made up of members
of the Shire and how many times over the years have members of the Shire
offered the use of items for the Shire's benefit, ex: Cliff's trailer,
White Wolf's tent, stoves, coolers, time and money.
2)   At the meeting Karen, you did agree that the Tavern was a good
idea.  You also strongly supported the suggestion that we refrain from
making any food purchases until mid-morning of the event.  With that in
mind, when do you think the Shire would do all of this wonderful
planning and pre-cooking?  Tracey and I had a very hard time getting
anyone to listen to our ideas for the Tavern.  No we did not come with a
planned menu, it was not a requirement for that meeting.  We never
suggested just opening up some can goods to heat and serve. You also
suggested that we go to an outside vendor, who normally runs a tavern at
events.  The Shire would have had no say in what that vendor served and
would have made no profit off of his food sales.    Cost:  you say
astronomical.  What we proposed at the highest possible requirement was
$300.00 and that was contingent on several other plans becoming set in
stone.  What we asked for was $100.00 up front for start up cost and the
pre-approved availability of more funds the day of the event if
attendance warranted the additional expense.
3)       Karen, you obviously missed it at the Populace meeting but we
originally planned to charge a gate fee of $5.00, and $3.00 
for children.  At the finance meeting, so many people were working so
hard to make sure Tracy and I understood about the Shire being
overwhelmed by having an event and with the need for even the minimal
gate that we were proposing. To avoid that problem the committee
insisted that we limit ourselves to a large fighter practice.  It was
stated quite clearly to Tracy and me how much easier this would be on
the Shire.
4)       Karen, I am sorry that you felt as if the populace was being
left out or treated as an afterthought.  What the event 
committee tried to do was preplan as much detail as possible, with an
eye toward creating the illusion of a large event to anyone in
attendance, while maintaining the reality of something fairly small
work-wise so the members of the Shire would have more free time to just
relax and have fun.  I repeat myself, the four people planning this are
members of this Shire and as such the Shire has ownership; we were not
planning a private party that we would send out invitations to. The
populace said they wanted a laid back event to test the new site and to
charge a small gate fee.  I was the one who proposed to the populace
that the gate funds go toward the purchase of a feast tent.  
This new plan meets what we've been told by the Finance Committee are
the Populace's current desires.  It still requires the effort and
teamwork of the Shire's populace for it to be successful.
Lady Rowanna of Craegan Mor
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