[Tir-Medoin] Charles Wrinkle

Randy & Karen Wrinkle rnkwrinkle at sbcglobal.net
Wed Mar 29 18:57:20 PST 2006

Hello everyone!  

I would like to express my thanks to everyone for their good wishes and prayers for my dad. You are all very dear to my heart.

Dad is home and doing well !  This turned out as well as possible for as severe as it could have been. Because dad had a heart attack before he knew when it first started. He told me as soon as he felt it. I called 911 and he was taken directly to a heart hospital. The blockage was called the "widow maker". It was in the main artery that supplies the middle of the heart. 
The Dr. feels that if he had not acted when he did he may not have made it.  However, as it turned out he has no damage at all to the heart. 

He has to go back in to have one more day visit to place 1 or 2 more stints. That is about a month away. After that he will be as good as it gets.

Thanks again to all of you for your support!

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