[Tir-Medoin] Event and Newsletter

Mungentuya TirMedoin mungentuya at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 28 19:06:18 PDT 2007

Greetings to the Shire, 
  October's newsletter outgrew our usual page so it's going to be a pamphlet.  I'm not sure how it's going to look online yet, but I'll post something.  I'll see if I can send them to Three Kings somehow, if not I'll see if they can make their way around the Shire before or on next populace.  Also, if you're on this list and want it emailed to you, let me know.  

Submissions for November's newsletter is November 11th by midnight.  Officers, artists, interested contributers, take note of this because we're heading into the holidays and we're doing extended hours at work and I don't know how much time is going to be consumed by it.  If there's any shire household that would like to announce, feel free to send me your news and I'll work it into the newsletter.

Quest is being viewed by the Seneshal and Autocrat to make sure all is correct, and will be posted on the website soon.  

In Service,

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