[Vindheim] Vindheim Achievement Input - Round 4

Charles Snyder greygunslinger at gmail.com
Sat Jun 15 12:05:00 PDT 2024


The link for round 4 is here:

On Sat, Jun 15, 2024 at 2:03 PM Charles Snyder <greygunslinger at gmail.com>

> Now with More Mottos!!
> The next round for the Principality Achievement is live for input!
> https://forms.gle/HpzCySzTUuf7dzaw9
> The deadline for this round is Friday, June 21st. Even though we had a lot
> of participation in the last few rounds, even more would be excellent.
> Encourage all of your Vindhomies to participate!
> Charles the Grey of Mooneschadowe
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