[Vindheim] June 2024 Coronet Registration

Vindheim Seneschal vindheim at seneschal.ansteorra.org
Mon May 20 06:04:14 PDT 2024

Greetings all -
Registration for June 2024 Coronet is open!
Please fill out the following google form to register -
Each participant will need to submit a Letter of Intent, proof of
membership (picture of blue card, screen shot of membership information
from member portal) , fighter authorization, and format of Chivalric
Champion should you win the day. Proof of membership will also need to be
provided for the Consort.
Membership must be valid through the end of the potential reign - Dec 14,
All are due to Their Serene Highnesses and the Principality Seneschal by
11:59pm on June 10, 2024.
Requirements for entry into the tournament can be found in Section 4 of
Principality Law found here -
prince at vindheim.ansteorra.org
princess at vindheim.ansteorra.org
vindheim at seneschal.ansteorra.org
If you have any questions, please email me directly.
HL Villana Palazolo
Vindheim Seneschal
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