[Vindheim] Vindheim Marshal Reports

Earl Marshal of Vindheim vindheim at marshal.ansteorra.org
Fri May 31 11:39:33 PDT 2024

Greetings Vindheim Local Marshals!
As the new Vindheim Marshal Deputy, I would like to say hello and remind
everyone that their reports are due by the 5th of every month. If you have
never submitted a report, fear not. I will shall show you the way! You
merely need to visit the following website and fill out the form;
As the Local Marshal, you are responsible for sending a monthly report to
your upline, the Regional Marshal Gilyan. You will also need to send a
report for any other practices or events that your group sponsors with
chivalric fighting. When submitting your marshal reports, copies will
automatically be sent to the marshals for the martial disciplines being
reported on and your branch Seneschal and appropriate Baron and Baroness.
You are also responsible for emailing your waivers to the Waiver Secretary
at waivers at ansteorra.org. Where to find waivers:
All official documents and correspondents should be sent from your marshal
email given to you by your local group. If you do not have one please let
me know and we will work to get this resolved.
Reports and Timelines
Waivers Reporting- Waivers due within 10 days of being signed.
Event Reporting- This needs to be sent within 10 days of the event.
Monthly Reporting- Due by the 5th of every month.
Quarterly Reporting- Due the last day of February, May, August, and
Injury Reporting- Report due within 48 hours and a phone call to Regional
Marshal and Kingdom Earl Marshal within 30 days of Injury Report form being
We intend to have a Marshal get together at Coronet to discuss Marshal
roles and responsibilities.
If you have any questions regards to this please reach out to me directly.
Thank you,
Centurion Gunnarr Bjornulfsson

Deputy Earl Marshal of the Principality of Vindheim
vindheim at marshal.ansteorra.org

Manage your authorizations online:
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