WR - Lost Knife

HL Larkin O'Kane larkin at webstar.net
Mon Apr 27 08:28:53 PDT 1998

This was posted on the Bryn-Gwlad net but just in case someone might have
found a stray knife:
On Mon, 27 Apr 98 09:55:14 -0500, Dottie Elliott <macdj at onr.com> wrote:

>I left a knife with my sausages on the lunch table under the Bryn Gwlad=20
>pavilon at Octavian.  It has a black handle and the blade is about 5=20
>inches long.   When I went to clean up the lunch dishes it was gone.=20
>Could everyone that went to Octavian please check their stuff for this=20
>knife?  It is my best kitchen knife and I miss it terribly.

Larkin      I will not purposly offend anyone in a public forum:
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