WR - Christmas on a budget.

Larkin O'Kane [AKA Charlie Cain] larkin at webstar.net
Sun Dec 13 09:35:58 PST 1998

What kinds of things can SCAers use for under $10? Casey 
["Casey&Coni" <weed at sage.net>] has come up with the following list of  
87 great ideas for Christmas gift items.   

Acrylic paint, Material (esp white for veils/shirts), Feast gear, Artificial 
sinew, Duct Tape, A hat, Embroidery floss, Needles, Gesso, Wood, 

Books on art in the Middle Ages, Embroidery hoops, A belt blank, Books 
on heraldry, Books on armor, A seam-ripper with the little light on the end, 
Candles, A lantern, Knitted mittens, Good paper (ask for 'elephant paper' 
at a paper shop), 

A piece of good leather, Paint brushes (ten bucks can get the good ones 
rather than the cruddy ones), A length of trim, A length of lace, A basket, 
Some ostrich plumes, Some pheasant feathers, A pair of good scissors 
(Ginghers on sale in Temple right now for half price), A tape or cd of 
dance music, Sheet music for recorder, 

A recorder, A nine-mens-morris game, Dice (no respectable late period 
persona would be without them), A nice period looking buckle, Rivets for 
armor, A strap-cutter, A rawhide mallet, A brick of beeswax, A hydrometer, 
A wine thief, 

A package of corks, Patterning paper, Soap, A nice brooch from your local 
Goodwill or Salvation Army, A book on brewing or vinting, A dremmel tool 
accessory pack, A camp stool, A deck of rennaissance style cards, A 
yeast culture, A period cookbook, 

A book on basic sewing skills, A pouch, A body hammer, Buttons, Hooks 
and eyes, Good thread, Some antler, A cows horn (for either a drinking 
horn or a hunting horn), A brass kickplate, A yard or two of buckram, 

A t-square, A rosary, A cross, A cup or mug, A sketchbook, Tracing paper, 
Blank tapes, A brewers log, A block of carving linoleum, A draw knife, 

A piece of rattan, Some 550 cord, Tentstakes, A banner pole, Seeds for 
different herbs, Lamp oil, Beads (especially pearls... you can get a strand 
or two of real freshwater pearls under $10).  

That should give you something to chew on.  BTW, with this list you can 
really do some neat things: imagine getting a nice brooch ($5.25) wrapped 
in a yard of nice heavy white cotton for an arming cap ($3.00) and tied off 
with a yard of trim left over from an old project ($1.50) and decorated with 
four nice buttons off a Goodwill shirt ($.25).  

See you there!


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