WR - Kevin and Anna's Progress

Dennis J Dolan djdolan at juno.com
Fri Jul 17 17:14:14 PDT 1998

My dear Family and Friends.....

Well, the young'uns now two whole days old, so a progress report is in

Kevin has graduated from the radiant heater (which provided all the body
heat) to an incubator (don't worry) where he will have to work harder to
keep his body temp where it is supposed to be.
He is not yet allowed food, and is still taking all nourishment by IV.  I
have been assured by the doctor that this is normal and that the
intestinal tract is still developing, another 3-5 days before he gets
mothers milk, so we are saving and freezing and keeping it in the
nursery.  Kevin is smiling at Anna when she is talking to him, and I
found that it is very relaxing to quietly hold a sleeping baby, almost
dozing off myself.

Anna, after the C-section is doing a lot better than she did 8 years ago,
she is walking around, pain meds are almost non-existant, but the nurses
still refuse to give her the powerful Russian experimental pain killer -
Placebo....what Anna doesn't know definitley won't hurt her, also, as of
the time I left the hospital, she is coming home tomorrow, if not I will
send another update.

Sir Doran

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